


April 25th Blog Post


It has been three days since I returned to Guangzhou, and I finally feel a bit better. From April 8th to April 21st, I haven't slept for more than 5 hours a day.

I realized that my energy was no longer the same as before when I was around 25 years old, and since then, I started joking that I was already an old person.

When I was just over 20 years old, I could stay up for two or three days in a row, and it was fine for me. As long as I made a slight adjustment, I could recover. But now, it's different. If I sleep a little later and wake up a little earlier, I feel mentally off, and it takes a long time to recover.

Fortunately, my deep sleep has always been relatively stable, so even if I sleep less, it won't cause sudden death.

In addition, I have been taking multivitamins. Some friends have repeatedly emphasized to me that it's a tax on intelligence. But I feel that my body does feel better when I take them. As C said, there is a difference in a person's state of being when they persist in taking them or not.

Last year, I told my cousin that the food he eats in the school cafeteria may not be nutritionally balanced, so he can supplement with some vitamins and trace elements. So I sent him a bottle. According to his feedback, he can feel the difference whether he takes them or not.

So, maybe different people have different needs. Even if it's a tax on intelligence, I feel the benefits, so I don't care if I'm a leek or not.


A few days ago, while traveling, I talked to several companions about some current issues. They feel puzzled but helpless.

Although I am also puzzled by some things, I have a theory that helps calm my emotions. People in high positions have more comprehensive information channels and a better understanding of the situation than us ordinary people. This should be common sense. Since that's the case, why should I refute people in high positions based on my own limitations?

However, it is an undeniable fact that the social atmosphere is more hostile than before. My theory can only calm my own emotions, but when the whip hits me, it still hurts.

After the incident in Zhangjiajie, a similar incident occurred in Shifang, Sichuan a few days ago. This should be a warning to the authorities and the public, to seriously investigate whether it is due to despair or manipulation.

I have thought about these two incidents from several perspectives. One perspective is that life is precious, and it takes a great deal of despair to seek death. If there is still hope to survive, one would not make such a desperate decision. Another perspective is whether this could be a form of escapism. Some people may criticize me for saying this, but it cannot be denied that to some extent, it is a form of escapism. I haven't seen the details of the incident in Shifang yet, but I have read detailed reports about the incident in Zhangjiajie. Although they ended their lives, how will the loved ones they left behind continue to live? Another perspective may sound like a conspiracy theory, but now that the internet is so developed, is it possible that they were brainwashed?

I hope there will be more relevant reports in the future to clarify the facts.

As the saying goes, it's better to live a good life than to die. Each person's life is only once, so we should cherish it.


Yesterday afternoon, it rained heavily in Guangzhou, and this morning it drizzled, finally ending the hot and humid weather of the past few days.

The long-lasting La Niña in the Pacific Ocean finally ended, and I wonder if it will directly transition to El Niño. In recent years, many people have experienced changes in the climate, such as increasingly hot summers and frequent extreme weather events.

Last year, a large area in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River suffered from severe drought, which was only relieved recently. When I crossed the Yangtze River, C pointed to the river and said, "The water level has finally risen a bit. It wasn't high in early March."

I heard from a friend that Yunnan has been experiencing prolonged drought, and some land has already cracked. Today, I saw a picture on social media showing a dried-up lake in a certain place in Yunnan.

31% of 2023 has already passed, and I don't know if there will be severe weather disasters in the future. It feels like this year will be extremely dry or flooded.

Regardless, we still need to make some preparations. For example, storing some emergency water and food at home, preparing multiple power banks, and having a fan ready. In case of extreme weather one day, we won't panic.

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