


April 27th Blog Post


I don't know what DNSPod is up to. These days, it occasionally shows that it can't connect to the website's server. So I decided to migrate the DNS resolution of several domain names to Cloudflare.

I used to trust Tencent Cloud, but now I'm getting more and more annoyed with it. Since the end of last year, my lightweight cloud server in Guangzhou has been occasionally showing downtime, and now it's starting to show DNS resolution errors. I wonder if it will start telling me that the object storage is having problems after a while.

I have a lot of data in Tencent Cloud's COS object storage, and now it seems that I need to be prepared and learn how to use AWS's object storage, and then slowly migrate the data over. There must be reliable domestic service providers for foreign service providers, right?

The full English name of DNSSEC is Domain Name System Security Extensions. It can protect DNS data and make such data trustworthy in applications outside of DNS. Therefore, deploying DNSSEC for domains is beneficial for internet security and can enhance the ability to counter attacks.

After changing the DNS resolution of the domain name today, I found that the DNSSEC settings of Cloudflare are different from DNSPod's. You can fill in the specific settings according to the following image.


  • The 关键标签 corresponds to the 密钥标记 in Cloudflare.
  • ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256 corresponds to the algorithm 13 in Cloudflare.
  • SHA-256 is the 摘要类型-2 in Cloudflare.
  • 摘要 is the 摘要 in Cloudflare.


Today, I saw someone on Jike saying, "I didn't know that you need to swipe your card when getting on and off the bus in Beijing."

Suddenly, I realized that what I thought was ordinary is unfamiliar to many people, especially those who are visiting a strange city for the first time. They may feel at a loss and not know what to do.

Not long ago, a friend from Shanghai told me that he didn't know how to take the bus at Tianhe Sports West Road in Guangzhou (one bus goes to Tianhe Coach Station, and another bus goes to the airport north). He also didn't know how to get off at Gongyuanqian (both doors of the subway will open). At that time, I jokingly said that it's difficult for people from big cities to adapt to small places. Now I realize that I was really impolite.

I remember when I went to Wangjing in Beijing for a meeting, I couldn't find which entrance of the office building to enter for a long time. Being socially anxious, I had to gather up the courage to ask the security guard.

When I first arrived in New Zealand, I went to a supermarket to buy something. I looked around at the entrance, trying to find a place to store my bag. A staff member noticed my embarrassment and asked if I needed help. I timidly asked where I could store my bag. The staff member told me that I could go in directly without storing it. They even kindly pushed a shopping cart next to me and told me to put my backpack in it, which would make it easier for me.

It turns out that I have also experienced being unfamiliar and gradually becoming familiar. Each of us has been a stranger and needs time to adapt and become familiar with unfamiliar things and environments. Why didn't I realize this before?

I realized that sometimes I lack compassion and fail to empathize. I always think from my own perspective without considering others' situations. On the other hand, I don't pay enough attention to the details of life and fail to notice seemingly insignificant things. These two points have always been my old problems, and I need to constantly work on correcting them.


Speaking of "unfamiliar," it reminds me of a question my partner asked me before: Is it the old person arriving in a new place, or the new person arriving in an old place?

At that time, I pondered for a moment and answered, "It's the new person arriving in an old place." Because the customs and habits of a place are accumulated and difficult to change. When a person arrives in a completely new place, they need to adapt to the local customs and habits; otherwise, they won't be able to harmonize with others.

At that time, I was looking at this question from the perspective of social and cultural changes. But now it seems that my answer is not comprehensive.

Because society and culture are always evolving and changing. With the evolution of society and culture, people need to adapt to new norms, values, and ways of life, which means the old person arrives in a new place.

After rethinking this question, I realized that there is another perspective, which can be explained from the perspective of personal growth.

When a person faces a new environment, experience, or challenge, they may undergo changes and become a more mature and experienced person. In this case, it is the old person arriving in a new place. Individuals need to adapt to the new environment and learn and grow in the process.

However, it can also be said that the new person arrives in an old place, which means that the individual has undergone changes and become a renewed self, reexamining and adapting to the known environment.

I handed over my thoughts on this question to ChatGPT, and it told me:

There is no absolute answer to this question because it depends on how we understand the process of change, growth, and adaptation. The key is to recognize that whether from the perspective of social culture or personal growth, we need to constantly learn, adapt, and grow to deal with new challenges and opportunities.

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