


April 30th Blog Post


Yesterday, I finally couldn't stand the high memory usage of the Arc browser and switched to Edge.

My computer has a 24 GB M2 chip, and the Arc browser occasionally consumes around 6 GB of memory. It makes my computer lag when I have multiple software open. Even if this browser is good, I have to give it up. If the issue of high memory usage cannot be resolved, the future development of the Arc browser will not be good either.

Choosing a new browser tortured me for a few hours. Before using Arc, I had been using Safari, and it could still be used as the main browser. However, its weak plugin system is frustrating. The two plugins I frequently use, ChatGPT for Google and ChatHub, can only be used in browsers based on the Chromium engine. Since I use these two plugins frequently, Safari is not suitable as the main browser.

Therefore, I set my sights on Vivaldi and Edge. Compared to the two, I actually prefer the former. It has a high level of customization, a beautiful interface, and the ability to split the screen. Its tab system is also unique. However, it currently doesn't have an iOS version, which makes seamless switching difficult, and its collection feature (reading list) is not perfect. So, I had to choose Edge.

When I switched to Edge, I encountered a huge problem. xLog, Tana, and ChatHub all reported errors. I tried troubleshooting with my limited knowledge but couldn't find the problem, so I had to seek help from the developers.

The developers of xLog and Tana responded very quickly and immediately started helping me solve the issue. However, after a night of troubleshooting, everything seemed to be in order, but the errors persisted.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a developer from xLog asked me: "Did AdGuard intercept the third-party headers?"

That statement woke me up. I quickly opened AdGuard and indeed found that the "Intercept third-party authorization headers" option was selected.


After deselecting the "Intercept third-party authorization headers" option, the world became harmonious and beautiful, and society thrived.

I am very grateful to the developers of xLog, Tana, and ChatHub, especially the folks from xLog who tirelessly worked to solve my problem late into the night and were still thinking about the cause this morning. I want to give them a big shoutout.


Recently, in my paid column, I have been serializing "Seventy Thoughts on the Second Brain." I have already written four articles with a total of 23 thoughts. For me, this is a very good way to organize my thoughts, especially after I started building LifeOS. Looking at the second brain, knowledge management, information management, and personal growth from this macro perspective is different from when I first started working with the second brain.

There is a small stroke of luck that MoonTree on Jike discovered me and recognized me. She even added me to the WeChat group she maintains. It has been a long time since I received recognition for doing something I'm interested in, and it feels wonderful.

After observing for a day, I found that the quality of this WeChat group is very high, and I often see insightful discussions.

Some time ago, I also added the WeChat account of Wei Chen, the person in charge of Life's Wonderful Journey, and joined his community and WeChat group. The quality there is also very high.

I admire them because they not only have great development in their professional fields but also excel in their areas of interest. This might be the saying "There are always people better than you" coming true.

The power of role models is infinite, and I hope I can learn from them.

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